How To Avoid Indecision and Take Action Now!

Hello, it’s me Ben Povlow from The Self-Help Company. Today’s post is going to be all about action. Taking action to get more done. Sometimes we overthink things. Sometimes we want to have the perfect plan and oftentimes we get paralyzed by indecision. And when you make no decision, nothing happens. When you make any decision and take action, at least you will have some results.

Then once you get some results, you can gauge whether you need to adjust or reevaluate to figure out how you can make your plan better. But when you just sit around and think, nothing is getting done. You must take some kind of action! Sometimes we get discouraged. Sometimes we don’t know the right thing to do. So, we do nothing.

I’m here to tell you that action is what will get you results. Yes, you must have goals. Yes, you must think positive. But without the action behind it, nothing will ever happen. There’s a lot of things that you can be doing right now that you may just be overthinking, or you’re so consumed with doing all the research and wanting to have all the answers upfront. I understand.

You’re trying to figure out every little detail of a plan, but I’m here to tell you. If you just take action, you will learn what you need to do as you go. You can make adjustments as you go. I’ve been paralyzed by indecision myself, and I’m here to tell you, when you just finally do the thing, you’re going to be kicking yourself for waiting so long.

I do this to myself sometimes where I’m like, I want to get it perfect. I want to get it right. I want to have the full plan in place. And then by the time I get all that going, much time has gone by. Whether it be weeks or could be months. Then when I finally do start taking some action, I realize, man, I should’ve just started way earlier, and I would have figured this out a lot quicker.

Sometimes you only learn by doing, and yes, you can plan for things, but oftentimes it’s not what you expect, and you will never know what things are really like until you take that action. So, yes, it’s okay to think it out. It’s okay to plan your steps and plan your actions, but planning doesn’t get it done. Action is what gets it done.

So, I encourage you to take action. Set your goals, dream big, and go for it. If you’ve been contemplating, whether you should do a certain thing, I say, take action. As long as you’re not hurting anybody, or your plan is not going to be doing something wrong to somebody. I say, go for it, get your basic ideas down, figure out the end goal and start working towards it.

Start taking that action as long as you’re doing it with good intentions, and as long as you’re not going to lose a ton of money. If it’s a big decision and it requires a big upfront investment and you don’t want to like lose a ton of money, then yes, you might need to seek some advice first.

But if it’s something small and inexpensive, and even the downside of the consequences if you get it wrong, isn’t really going to be that harmful, start now! If it isn’t going to cost you a lot of money. If it isn’t going to hurt you in any way. The best thing to do is to just take the action, to start to do it, to see what the results are going to be.

Then you can reevaluate and adjust, but no action will get no results. Some action will at least get you some results and then you can learn from it. My advice is to take action now, whatever it is you have in your life that you’re thinking about doing, or you want to do, get up, get out and do it.

Best of luck on your journey,

Ben Povlow

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About Ben Povlow

Hello, my name is Ben Povlow. I am an author, podcast host, and owner of The Self-Help Company, LLC. Self-help and personal development materials changed my life and now I am on a mission the provide these types of resources to anyone who desires to improve the quality of their life as well. My blog, podcast, books, and courses are all geared towards providing practical strategies for helping to improve all of the most important areas most of us naturally struggle with in one way or another.

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